BizAacademia still have internship and permanent positions available for:
1. Programmer / Developer/ Software Engineers
2. ERP Consultant
3. Accounting/ HR
4. Business Analyst
5. Data management
6. Tourism/hospitality
7. Events Management
BizAcademia is a Training provider for Digital skills and ERP related courses. At the same time, we represent IT software solutions companies in Klang Valley to assist in short listing interns. These employers do not have time to go through sourcing and short-listing process or communicate with universities. they outsourced the process to us. Sometimes, we also help train the inters on ERP fundamentals and soft skills before they start their internship with the employer.
Successful candidates will be monitored by Bizacademia while they are in the employer’s premise. Internship allowance and all the paperwork is via Bizacademia. That is the uniqueness of BizAcademia.